Monday, April 23, 2012

GDHS 1992 Reunion Registration Now Open

Yes, it's been 20 years already!

The Class of '92 will be having their 20-year reunion in San Diego the weekend of July 6-8. Even if you didn't graduate that year, you're still invited :)

For more information and to register, visit:


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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mesothelioma, Asbestos, and Navy Veterans

Hi Fellow GDHS Alumni!

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted, but I wanted to share some information that I just came across that you may not be aware of. As you know, cancer is a tragic disease that seems to be very common in America today. There are so many forms of cancer which can be caused by a number of things such as the food we eat and harmful chemicals that we are exposed to.

I just read an article that said Navy personnel who served until the early 70’s may have been exposed to asbestos, which was used in shipyards and vessels because of its strength plus heat and chemical resistance. What they didn’t know back then was the dangerous effects of asbestos including the risk of developing mesothelioma. Those who worked in the shipyards from the 1930’s until the 1970’s hold a greater risk of developing the disease. Many Navy personnel are not aware of this.

If you don’t know, mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer which affects the lining of the lungs. The most commons symptoms of mesothelioma are difficulty in breathing, chest pain, or both.

If you suspect someone you know who is a Navy veteran may have mesothelioma, I would recommend going to see a doctor. Also, don’t hesitate to file a Mesothelioma Claim to help pay for treatment.
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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Welcome Aboard!!!

Welcome fellow Admirals! Hold on tight as we set sail on memory lane. Please log onto the crew manifest log by clicking the comment link. Please answer the following questions:
  1. Name
  2. Class
  3. Years Attended GDHS
  4. Current Residence
  5. Any info you would like to share with your fellow Admirals
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Thursday, August 07, 2008

2008 GDHS Reunion Picnic

Palm Tree at Mission Beach San DiegoHi Everyone!

It's been almost 8 months since I last posted! Time sure goes by fast when you're busy ;) My freelance writing projects are many and I haven't been able to keep up with many of my blogs.

I've been meaning to let you know about the 2nd Annual SOCAL Alumni picnic reunion which is taking place at Mission Bay in San Diego on August 23, 2008. If you plan on attending, contact Ruben Pandes via email: rpandes [at] peoplepc [dot] com so that he can put you on the attendee list. For details and more information about the event, click here. You can also check out a list of attendees (the list was published on July 6, so I'm sure there are more people that have been added).

Here are a couple pictures from last year's picnic...

I'll be there...will you?


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Monday, December 10, 2007

What's Your Favorite GDHS Memory?

Recently I was thinking about all the fond memories I have of George Dewey High School, however, I always think about all those trips I took with the volleyball and basketball teams to Japan and Korea. How exciting to see other countries and experience other cultures as a young person!

That's what I loved the most about attending school in another country. I tell my friends now about how racially mixed GDHS was and I never felt segregated in any way like some high schools in the States are.

So, what's your fondest GDHS memory? Share them by leaving a comment below or you can email your thoughts to me at maria [at] salondemaria [dot] info. I'll publish your memories here in an upcoming post!


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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Love and Prayers For Coach Stauffer

Yikes! It's been awhile since I've posted here! I hate to post with sad news, but I think it's important for us to ban together to collect some good energy for Coach Stauffer. I got word that he has been diagnosed with brain tumors and will have to undergo surgery.

Here is a message from Coach Stauffer's daughter, Lyzz:

Dear Friends:

Thank you for supporting our family through this very difficult time. I
speak on behalf of my family when I say that your prayers, thoughts
and well wishes are greatly appreciated. I'd like to ask one more favor
of you all. Please stop by and sign my Dad's Guest Book. I made a
MySpace page for him so that he can see the outpouring of support he has
himself. It can be found here:

If you'd like to e-mail him, his email is

Please pass the message along to all alumni. Again, my family is
grateful for all your support. We can't thank you enough.

Lyzz Stauffer

Send Coach Stauffer some positive vibes!!

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

GDHS Alumni Events

I was browsing the George Dewey Alumni website today and came across some events you may want to know about:

Monday, July 23, 2007 » Friday, July 27, 2007
Miami, Florida 2007 Cruise by the Class of 82

Friday, October 05, 2007 » Sunday, October 07, 2007
All Class Reunion - Bangor, Maine 2007 by the 60's Group

Wednesday, June 04, 2008 » Sunday, June 08, 2008
All Class Reunion - Oahu, Hawaii 2008, hosted by the 70's group

Friday, August 08, 2008 » Sunday, August 10, 2008
Class of 88 Reunion in the OC

For more information, visit

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Saturday, July 14, 2007

George Dewey High School Now

I was going through some old emails and came across something Sam Simbulan sent me awhile back. Somehow this email slipped through the cracks and I forgot about it until now... Well, Sam shares some recent photos of our good ole GDHS...

I believe this is the old math and science building...
This was the first building you saw as you drove up to the school.

George Dewey High School

Here is the bulletin board in front of the school and the hallway leading up to the gym...

GDHS Subic Bay
A bird's eye view of one of the classrooms...

I think I took this same picture when I went back to visit in 2002!

George Dewey High Philippines

*sniff*GDHS Subic Bay Philippines

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

GDHS Summer Picnic 2007

Yup, I'm pretty bummed out about missing the reunion in San Diego this past Saturday, but what can I say? Life happens and we must move on... There will be plenty more chances for our paths to cross, you can be sure of that! Thanks to those of you who helped put it together ;)

Well, thank God for where I can still connect virtually with many of you. Here are a couple pictures from the picnic courtesy of Lyzz Stauffer. Salamat!

If you attended the reunion and would like to submit pictures to be posted here, you can email them to me: maria [at] salondemaria [dot] info.

I will be back in San Diego on the 18th of July. If anybody would like to get together for a cup of coffee or some cocktails, let me know!

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Monday, June 18, 2007

2007 GDHS Picnic Reunion Is Set!

Hey Fellow Admiral Alumni!

Before I give you an update on the picnic/reunion, I'd like to apologize for the lack of posts here. I've been crazy busy with my businesses...That is one of the reasons why I would love to have contributors here so that we can all post updates and let our fellow alumni know what's going on with everybody! If you'd like to contribute to this blog, shoot me an email: maria [at]

Ok, now down to the fun stuff! I'm sure many of you have received an email from Ruben Pandes regarding the picnic that has been set for July 7, 2007 (7/7/07! Lucky us! It's going to be a GREAT DAY!)

Where: Mountain Hawk Park in Chula Vista - right next to the Olympic Training Center
When: Around 10ish A.M - Ends at 6 PM
The Eats: Potluck style - Ruben will be assigning items to bring - Alcohol permitted, but NO GLASS

IMPORTANT: If you would like to attend the reunion, you must email Ruben with the number of people in your party. Example: Maria Palma, spouse & 2 kids or Maria Palma & guest. (Just for the record, I'm not married and I don't have kids!) Contact Ruben: rpandes [at] peoplepc [dot] com.

If you ARE NOT not on the list, then you CANNOT ATTEND. So, email Ruben right now and let him know! The picnic is coming up fast!!

See you there!!

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

GDHS "Get Together"

Perhaps I jumped the gun on my previous post. In case you didn't read the comment from the post, I wanted to publish it here on a separate post to clarify any confusion:

Hi Maria,

Thanks for putting the word out on the picnic. Well, technically it is a Reunion of sorts, but, not a full fledge Reunion with the Dinner and Dance bit. Just a small picnic that has gotten larger to the point that we have moved it to East Mission Bay. This get together is just to finally attempt who is really down here in Socal so that we can get a good registry for our group started. From this initial picnic we can hopefully plan other events and functions and quickly communicate it to everyone. So far we have close to 70 alumni identified, not including any 90's alumni, yet. This is really quite a number when over 50 percent of the emails listed on the Dewey website registry are no longer valid. So, everyone out there please update your email.

So here is to a terrific picnic in July.

Also by the way I do not run the Dewey website, that would be Sam Simbulan, Class of 1988. If any of you guys get "The Filipino Channel" he is the Director of the show, Pinagmulan. It is a show that documents a Filipinos' return home to the Philippines after an extended absence. Lots of good human interest stories. There you go Sam, another plug. He is doing a great job.

Take care,

Ruben Pandes 1975

By the way, if you're from the 90's era of GDHS and would like to attend, let me know via comments below. So far we have many RSVP's, but hardly anybody from the 90's!

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

GDHS Reunion 2007!

I've been emailing back and forth with Ruben Pandes who runs the site and it looks like there will be a reunion this year!

The tentative date is set for July 7. We were thinking Balboa Park, but from reading the GDHS forum, East Mission Bay is also a possibility. Now that I think about it, Mission Bay does sound more fun! Beach volleyball, yes!

If you would like to help with planning this event, leave a comment below!


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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Hunting Around For GDHS Pictures

I was searching around on the web for some pictures of George Dewey High School and came upon this website that has some really old photos of Subic Bay and Magsaysay. Some of these were way before my time...

If you have some pictures to share, email them to me at maria [at] and I'll post them up here for you ;)
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Monday, October 09, 2006

GDHS Kept Me Grounded

It's been quite awhile, I know. Life gets in the way and you tend to lose sight of what's important - like connections with old friends. At least that's the way it's been for me for the past few months. I haven't been lurking around MySpace to find out what's going on with my peeps from GDHS.

However, I've been on a quest ...learning more and more about myself and thinking about the things that have made me who I am. I have to thank God for GDHS because going to school in the Philippines kept me pretty "grounded" as a person. Here in the States kids are very susceptible to pop culture and the media bombards them with what they should wear and how they should act. Sure, I had my own sense of style when it came to fashion, but I was never one to be obsessed with fashion labels and wearing what was "in" at the time...and the people I hung around weren't that way either. We also weren't fascinated with what celebrity was doing what or the latest technological bling (no iPods or laptops for me back then!)

Nope - I think many of my fellow GDHS alumni and I were just content in having fun, kicking it at the bowling alley, and occasionally having a few drinks at the clubs on Magsaysay (shhh..don't tell my dad!)
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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The GDHS Forum at Delphi Forums

I was checking out the stats for this blog and noticed that there are quite a few visitors coming from the GDHS forum at Delphi forums. So, if you have landed here from the forum, I welcome you! I noticed that there are many discussions going on there at the Delphi forum...mostly old school GDHS alumni, I think.

If you are old school - or new school for that matter! - contact me at maria [at] if you would like to contribute to this blog!
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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Reunion in Motion....

Ok, I received a message from Mary [Stauffer - don't know if she's married?] the other day asking if I wanted to help plan a reunion for next year. The tentative date is July 28, 2007. Anybody in the San Diego area want to help plan?

>>>>Also in GDHS news...Mario Delgado recently got married! Congrats ;)

I haven't been doing much galavanting in MySpace land lately, so if you have news to share and would like to broadcast it here, send me an email: maria [at]

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Old School GDHS Alumni: Where Art Thou?

I received a comment about how this blog is only representing the young alumni folk of GDHS...Ha! Nice to know I'm still young ;) If any of you old schoolers (before the 90's) would like to share a story with us, feel free to contact me and I could add you as a contributor: maria [at]

By the way, I'm slowly getting the links together so you can find your fellow GDHS alumni... Anybody care to help?

I'm in the process of moving, so my pictures are packed away in storage... However, I did come across these pictures...Classes '86-'89
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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

New Links

Hi My Dear GDHS Friends,

It's been quite some time since I've posted. You know, life happens ;) For those of you who know me, you know that my life is pretty hectic - but know that you're always in my thoughts ;) Especially now since I've watched the videos that Virg posted. Boy does that bring back memories! You're probably wondering if I still eat constantly.... and the answer is a bold YES! My ex-coworkers at Nordstrom used to always make fun of my "buffet" that I'd have in the backroom.

Anyways, I'm in the process of adding links to people's MySpace pages. They're listed under "Check Out GDHS Alumni's Sites" in the right-hand column >>>> So, if you're not one of my "Friends" at MySpace you probably won't see your link here. However, you can email me your link: maria [at] and I'll be happy to share some link love witcha! It doesn't have to be a MySpace page. Any website will do.
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Thursday, June 22, 2006


Mt. Pinatubo Eruption
created by NBS

GDHS Music Videos
created by Glenn Jordan and his gang

Farewell GDHS
created by NBS

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

New Site:

I just discovered this new website, As of right now GDHS is not listed on the site, but I'm going to try and get it listed... It's supposed to be the next big social networking site...We'll see!
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